Hope and naivety

I’ve just been listening to Simon and Garfunkel’s Wednesday Morning 3am and it made me feel a pang of regret that from what I can see there was a kind of naive hopefulness that pervaded in some groups during the late 1960s – maybe up until around when I was born in the early 70s – which acknowledged that the world was a mess but genuinely believed that people could actually do something about it and ultimately fix things, and that in the climate of cynicism of my adult years there’s been very little space for that kind of attitude. It’s what I called “faith in the future” here.

I think that one of the things I’m hoping we can do with Swopaplot, and with other projects in the future, is help demonstrate that there’s a lot of good in human nature, irrespective of all the bad. Recapture a little of that naive hope. As a bloke who was expelled from my old primary school a long time ago once put it, you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope not anyway.

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