Wanted – swopaplot taker-on-er

I briefly met a very nice lady who used to be on the telly last night at a Soil Association lecture kindly given by my favourite prophet of doom. “What a brilliant idea!” she said when she heard of Swopaplot.

Ah yes Anna, a brilliant idea, but sadly one I can’t commit to taking forward, on account of having decided not to move to Carshalton after all, but rather to see if those rather lovely people in the New Zealand immigration service wouldn’t rather have us instead. Hmm… Wallington or Wellington? What’s in a vowel? Tough choice. Not that I’m knocking Wallington mind. It’s where my daughter first ate fried chicken.

But where was I? Oh yes, as I’m hoping to leg it off to the other hemisphere I was hoping that there might be someone out there interested in developing the Swopaplot project. Taking it forward. You know, a successor, who might, well, succeed. Let me know if you’re interested.

If you just fancy sticking your toe in the Swopaplot pond, then perhaps you’d consider taking on the job of moderator for this site? That way at least that won’t get neglected.

Any offers?

One Response to Wanted – swopaplot taker-on-er

  1. Too bad i didnt come across this blog before. Great stuff you got here. Thanks.

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